Sam can remove most skin blemishes from the face and body with minimal to no scarring, using one or more of the following methods:
Any mole or skin blemish that cause concern or needs medical analysis will be referred directly to our associated qualified medical consultant. Clients are also advised to seek advice from their own doctor.
Consultation £35
Treatment starts from £58
Exceptional care must be taken when looking to remove a mole. Moles must be medically cleared before any removal can take place. Once clearance has been given by your doctor or Dermatology consultant, they can be effectively removed using diathermy cauterisation. All concerns can be referred for medical assessment to our associated qualified medical consultant.
Skin Tags
This is a very common skin condition seen in men and women and occasionally children. They usually have the same colour as your skin but can sometimes have pigment. They are not painful but many clients find them unsightly. Skin tags tend to develop in areas where the skin rubs, for example, under the arms, under the breast, around the neck area, even on your eyelids. They are easily removed with diathermy cauterisation.
Seborrheic Keratosis
Also known as a senile wart and is often seen as an older person’s skin condition. People tend to get this condition usually because of sun damage and age. The problem is varied in colour, from light to dark brown and mostly scaly and raised, with a crusty look in appearance. They are noncancerous but still need medical clearance for removal. Once this is gained the result leaves a clear and smooth finish on the skin. Removal is by diathermy cauterisation and CRYO.
Warts develop in various sizes from small to large. There are different types of wart which can be found on the skin surface. They are caused by strains of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and can be spread via skin contact. Common warts are grainy skin growths that can be found mostly on the hands and feet. They grow in the top layer of the skin (epidermis) and can be easily removed with diathermy cauterisation and / or cryotherapy.
Verrucas are caused by the same virus (HPV) as warts and found on the heels and balls of the feet. They are painful due to the pressure on the area infected when we stand. The pressure of body weight causes the verruca to grow inwards. These are removed by diathermy cauterisation and / or cryotherapy.
Spider Naevus
Also known as a Spider Angioma, although the condition has nothing to do with a spider itself but more because it has the look of one. This is a vascular lesion, seen on the surface of the skin anywhere on your body. It looks like a red spot with fine thread vessels extending away from its main body. It is easily treated using diathermy cauterisation.
Cherry Angioma
This is blood angioma, which is noncancerous(benign)skin growth and made up of blood vessels. They can be found anywhere on the body. Cherry Angiomas are not harmful or infectious. Easily removed with diathermy cauterisation leaving a clear skin with no scarring.
Telangiectasia (capillaries)
These dilated capillaries often seen on the surface of the skin, especially the face and around the nose as these are the areas mostly due to exposure to the sun and extreme environmental temperature changes. Once cleared for treatment, diathermy cauterisation is effective reducing these vessels and, in some cases, can clear completely. Impulse light therapy can also be effective in reducing the associated redness.
Price: £50
Campbell de Morgan (Blood spots)
These blood spots are bright red or purple in colour. The tiny blood vessels cluster together and due to dilation are easy to see on the skin surface. They are not harmful in any way and are considered a benign, dilated capillary. These are easily removed with diathermy cauterisation with immediate results.
Milia are small white / yellow cysts typically found on the face, under the eyes and on the eyelids. They are little pockets filled with dead skin cells or matter. They are not painful or cancerous. These can be removed easily by extraction or diathermy cauterisation. Once removed the skin with look and feel smooth again.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
This is a harmless skin condition but very common to see in the clinic in mature clients. The cause is our sebaceous glands simply producing too much of our natural lubricating, protective oils and they get congested under the skin causing a bumpy surface.
Treatment can help and would include the use of Retinol, Impulse Light Treatment, cryotherapy, and diathermy cauterisation.
This is a common condition most often found on the face. Firm to the touch, these are little papules that group in clusters. The cause of these little papules results from excessive secretion from sweat glands. They are easy to remove with cryotherapy and diathermy cauterisation.
Seborrheic Cysts
These are typically harmless small bumps under the skin. You will see them develop on the scalp, face, ears, front torso, back, and even in the groin area. Some people find them unsightly but they are easily removed. Larger cysts may need surgical removal and this situation can be referred to our private medical consultant for treatment.
Xanthelasma Palpebrarum
This condition will be seen on or near the eyelids. Varying in size, they are formed from deposits of cholesterol (fat). It is important to note that Xanthelasma itself it not harmful but as with all skin conditions, medical clearance will be required to ensure there are no underlying medical issues.
Successful removal is achieved by diathermy cauterisation (electrotherapy). Larger Xanthelasma can be referred to a private consultant for surgical removal.
Certain skin conditions must have medical clearance before treatment can take place. You will be advised during the consultation process and procedures that need to be followed.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)
These are harmless benign epidermal growths. There appearance is hyperpigmented small papules and can be found on the face and neck. They can also be seen on the upper back, shoulders, and chest area but here mostly in adulthood.
DPN can be treated with cryotherapy and diathermy cauterisation is also successful. During consultation, skin test will be completed to ensure a satisfactory result.
Poikiloderma (Civatte)
This is a skin condition which can present as hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. It can also affect the fine blood vessels which dilate and become more obvious, with a reddening of the skin in the area affected.
This is a non-cancerous condition. Impulse light treatments and diathermy cauterisation can help to maintain a reduced affect but it is important to explain that treatment does just maintain a more reduced appearance.
Neck and Hand Rejuvenation
Diathermy can be used to remove skin blemishes from both the neck and hands. A personalised programme will be created and priced specifically for you at consultation to combine techniques guaranteed to produce younger looking skin.
Consultation £35 (Includes test areas and photographs)