Chemical Peels

Salicylic Resurfacer 20% Salicylic acid

Light to Medium Peel 

Salicylic acid peels are available in different strengths but as a treatment for active acne a light peel is best. When used as a light peel it only affects the outer layers of the skin. You can use this peel on most skin types but we love it for treating acne-prone and oily skin and it does an amazing job on clogged pores! This peel is safe for all skin tones.

Skin recovery time – 3 to 7 Days

Price: £135 / 60 minutes

Salicylic Acid Resurfacer

This is deeply exfoliating, penetrating the follicle to reduce inflammation and targets stubborn breakouts – like cystic acne, congestion and reduce inflammation. This resurfacer uses 20% salicylic acid to reduce redness and inflammation associated with acne as it prevents future breakouts. by targeting blemish-causing bacteria, it effectively releases hardened sebum while controlling inflamed pustules and redness associated with blemishes

best for:

extremely oily, cystic acne or congested skin

Price £155.00 – 60 mins

Modified Jessner Peel

Modified Jessner Peel is an all-inclusive peel for stubborn acne management, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and improving rough textured skin.

The modified Jessner’s peel was designed to comprehensively manage acne by preventing persistent breakouts and calming current blemishes. salicylic acid offers anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits and lactic acid to brighten unwanted pigmentation due to acne scarring. lastly, resorcinol is used to clear dead skin cells, excess oil and debris in order to leave skin smooth, clear and healthy.

best for:

recommended for acne grades 2-4, thick resilient oily and congested skin. this treatment in a series will significantly reduce pH, calm inflamed pustules and irritation. This is safe for all Fitzpatrick skin types, not recommended for sensitive skin. The skin will require downtime in recovery.

Price £160.00 – 60 mins 

TCA Salicylic Peel

this is the ideal age fighting peel formulation to restore and rebuild damaged skin showing signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and loss of firmness.

bold and impressive, this age fighting chemical peel treatment is designed to transform rough textured skin while smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. the fusion of 2% salicylic acid and 7% trichloroacetic acid provides substantial exfoliation to penetrate the deepest epidermal layers, leaving skin smooth, even and revitalized.

best for:

recommended for moderate aging and texture concerns, visible lines and wrinkles. safe for all Fitzpatrick skin types, downtime for skin recovery required.

Price £180.00 60 mins